Summary: 'The Way Home' is a movie based upon a true story of a young boy's disappearance and the affect upon his family.
Storyline: Being a true story, I found it interesting. It had a nice ending, and I would recommend it as a family movie. However, true story though it be, the ending was quite cheesy. It's nice that it actually happened, but as a story, it's not that great.
Elements and Effects: The way the movie was shot was ok, but it definitely could have been better. Some scenes were too long, and though the cover says the main couple's marriage is "strained", it sure didn't look like it. Maybe a couple moments in the beginning, but definitely not tense.
Viewers should clearly understand that this movie has a strong recurring Christian theme, present throughout the entire film. While some Christian films can pull this off quite well, some movies come off as preachy. This one tows the line, so just use your judgment.
Acting: The actors were all pretty good for their roles. Some viewers may recognize Enos Straight from 'The Dukes of Hazzard'. Emotions were genuine in most main characters, but again, they needed to rework that "strain" the couple had, because it just wasn't believable.
All in all, a good film, and I'm grading it according to the Christian film genre. It's quite safe for family time- no swearing, nudity, violence, etc. Definitely one for family night where everyone can watch.
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